
04 June 2010

There goes that neck again

Last night's actually wasn't that bad, and despite my header, it's only a slight twinge in my neck. Last night's WOD was push presses (had some difficult, I think it's my form ... figure that!) followed by two 1km runs with 2 minutes break. I set a simple goal for myself: looking at the previous group's numbers on the whiteboard, I took the slowest guy and wanted to beat him. His was 10:18 combined, I finished (exactly) at 10:17. My pace during each of the runs was actually decent for me -- a bit under a 7-minute mile. Could I have run faster? Well, I sprinted a little at the end, so I think so, but not by much. Good workout!

One of the other runners tried (for the first time) to run in his Vibram Five-Fingers shoes. Allegedly they're better than my uber-padded "running" shoes (in quotes because I'm told they may actually be conducive to less-than-ideal form) for both workouts and running. Maybe I'll go get some. We'll see. One guy said it was "weird" running in them but he had no problems.

And after this WOD, we move into Month #2.

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