
14 June 2010

"The Sevens" ... even more intimidating than it sounds

If you haven't realized, many CrossFit affiliates (if not CrossFit Central itself) passively and actively support the Wounded Warrior Project, whose mission is to "to honor and empower wounded warriors". Some events and some exercises are specifically intended as a way to honor soldiers (sailors, airmen, ...) who have sacrificed much if not everything defending our country. On December 30, 2009, 7 CIA officers and 1 Jordanian officer were killed by a suicide bomber. It is in paying respects to them that "The Sevens" was created. It is far from easy, and once you realize its rationale and birth, it's one you just don't want to fail.

It's 7 sets of 7 exercises, 7 reps each. Sound easy, huh? Even if they were easy exercises (which they aren't), that's 7x7x7=343 reps total. But they aren't easy:
  • Handstand push-ups
  • Thrusters, 135#
  • Knees-to-elbows
  • Deadlifts, 245#
  • Burpies
  • Kettle bell swings, 2 pood
  • Pull-ups
Honestly, I wasn't really looking forward to it (in the "this is going to really hurt" mindset). And then I walked in and the instructor was blasting all sorts of "stretch out people, this is going to hurt" and "this is the hardest one I've ever done", as well as "scale; if you aren't considering scaling, consider scaling". Hmm. Certainly inspires confidence.

Well, I scaled, obviously, but I finished just after my goal of 40 minutes (missed by 28 seconds). It's only an excuse, but I should have finished on time: I dried my hands, chalked 'em, and went for the pull-up bar, and it was still sweaty from my last bout. So I took time to dry it off so I wouldn't fly off mid-kip (though that would have amused everybody watching).

I'm finishing the evening with a nice lightly-seared tuna steak, some lightly boiled vegetables, and some wine. Okay, the wine probably isn't perfect for me, but it was a good day! Overall, though I hate to use them as absolute metrics, I've lost 10# and about 1-2" on my waist, all in about 6 weeks.

The bigger question, of course, is how do I feel. I did a 30 mile bike ride yesterday, hoping to "feel" the extra energy and endurance. However, because I didn't have a bike computer with me I couldn't really assess my time and average speed. I don't think I did incredibly faster, though I did go further before my knee started aching. Other than that, I feel invigorated, the WODs kick me for about an hour and then I feel great (often following good food, too), and I have more energy during the day. Do I look better? I'd like to think so, but regardless I certainly feel better, so it's working.

I only have a couple of weeks left here at Potomac CrossFit, and I must say I'm a little bummed I'll be leaving. Granted, there are certainly many other good CF affiliates out there (and not-so-good ones). In fact, Razor's Edge CF in Pensacola is reputed as being good. That's where Molly is doing Foundations (stick with it baby!), that's where my friend's brother is going, and it so far has a good reputation. (That and the owner answered my email within 2 days, whereas the other Pensacola CF gym took a couple of weeks to get back to me ... and proceeded to tell me that I would need to pay an additional $50 for them to assess that I look Foundations-complete enough to attend 2-3 classes for the week before moving on to Indiana.) So, Razor's Edge, see you in a few weeks!

I've always been somewhat hesitant to take my shirt off in public, partially because I've always been a pale non-jock (you know the band-weanies :-). Though I don't think I'm anything to gawk at, Molly showed my picture to some friends and apparently they remarked that I look a little firmer/trimmer. Okay, I'm not here to model, but I guess I can accept the compliments. Other than my arms, though, I'm still rather pale ...

(Beavis? You there? You're an inspiration. Keep the push on.)

1 comment:

  1. Yea, I'm here. Been gone for a bit! Great reads and thanks for the kind words. But you're now making it happen. Welcome to the world of "you can do anything!"

