
25 May 2010

Two at the same time ...

Not really ... but I did two consecutive nights of CF workouts, partly because I felt so good after yesterday's. Tonight's was (for me) a somewhat aggressive warmup (run a lap and then 3 sets of 10 pull-ups, 2 hand-stand push-ups, 10 toe-touch-to-bars, and 10 kettle bells) which did a number on me. After that, the front-squats elicited some scary sounds out of my left knee (which is one reason why I didn't push the weights much higher for the 5 sets of 3 squats).

The metabolic conditioning was by far the kicker of the evening: 21-15-9 of thrusters and burpees. Again, light on the weight until I know what I can handle, which translated into "I don't need more weight". Granted, that's as much because the burpees brought my heart-rate right up there and FAST. There's nothing like finishing last in a room full of people (somebody has to be the anchor man) to feed you some humble pie. I'm not completely embarrassed (I'm still new at this), but it's motivation nonetheless.

Tonight, Erika and Kristen were the coaches, and they were a great help.

I'm not sure I'm going to do tomorrow's WOD ... mostly because of my left knee which still hurts a little. We'll see how I feel in the morning. (Plus, I don't know if doing WODs every day this early is good ... gotta heal after all. I'll ask around and see what makes sense.)

Beavis: you gotta try crossfit! I'd be curious to know how CF compares with your SOP (and what Summer thinks about CF).

BTW: I just read a great list of things to NOT do when considering CF. Go to Interesting read.

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