
10 May 2010

CF Foundations, day 3

Last night was day 3 in the Foundations class. "Tower, 104 needs a rep."

I think it's one of two things:
  1. I tweaked my neck a little on day 1, made it a little worse on day 2 (last Wednesday), and tweaked it a LOT more last night; or
  2. I am doing things slightly out-of-balance and therefore all of the dynamic moves are being exaggerated up my spine and into my neck.
I'm on motrin and using a heating pad (I used an ice-pad last night). It wasn't really until lunch today that I could turn my head to the right. I really *hope* this is a simple thing that I just hadn't recovered enough for last night's workout. (If I were an alarmist, I'd believe the internet warning that said this is possibly/likely a herniated disc. The internet's never wrong, huh?) We moved our #4 class/workout from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, meaning I have one more day in which to stretch, relax, and try to return my neck to a relative state of normalcy.

Anyway, last night's workout introduced "wall balls", throwing a medicine ball to a targeted height on the wall. Comical how simple it seems and how a weak neck/shoulder made it so difficult. The workout was "AMRAP: 15 push jerks, 15 wall balls, 15 situps". Admittedly, I did slower sit-ups to give me time in between the others. Lucky for me Chad was a real d*ck and kept pushing me to keep the intensity up there. I only finished 3+ rounds, which in hindsight sounds like such a SMALL accomplishment though at the time I could really feel my heartbeat. I think I did the first 2 rounds in 8 minutes. *sigh*

I really hope this neck/shoulder thing doesn't keep me down.

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