
24 May 2010

I might live ...

Today's workout was great! Granted, I scaled a bit to keep the reps up but the overall feeling was awesome. The WOD was: 9-6-3 of dead lifts, hand-stand push-ups (scaled), weighted pull-ups (scaled), and a run. I did it in 10:55, of which I'm fairly proud. I might just get through this!

Pursuant with guidance I've gotten from friends (Beavis and Chris, mainly -- thanks guys!), I tried picking up my pace and fixing my stride on the run. Granted, it's about 400 meters (if that), but since I ran with Motion Traxx yesterday I feel like my pace has been a bit too slow. So I picked it up. This certainly throws off my breathing rhythm (my breathing, right or wrong, has often been in some form of sync with my steps), but that's not too hard to overcome.

Today's WOD's instructor is a former Navy ECMO. It's funny how many of the instructors (at least, the ones I've run into) are former military in one shape or another. I think so far I've seen an Army, a Marine or two, and a Navy or two. And each one of them agrees that they're in much better shape doing CF than any military workout routine they've done.

There's hope for me yet :-)

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