
18 July 2010

Phase 2 of my CF plan

If you remember my post from a couple of months ago, I stated my goals: (1) diet, (2) start, (3) stay the program, (4) stay, (5) stay. Well, #1-3 are complete! Granted, #1 has taken a little bit of a nose-dive since we've been restricted almost completely to "fine Army cuisine". Not to say their bad, per se, but they often fry things and don't really give me the unprocessed food and options I'm looking for.

We finally figured out how to get a "To Go" box of dinner. With that, I actually tend to do better portion control. Today's dinner had fried chicken "parts" and some fresh vegetables. As long as I can visit the salad bar and occasionally find some good protein (e.g chicken, fish or ribs). It's gotten better. Now if I could figure out a way to do it without using styrofoam containers each meal... Anyway, the diet will certainly be a struggle over the next year, so this is no surprise.

I stayed the course in DC, which is #3. I'm trying really hard to stay the course here at Atterbury (#4 is Atterbury and beyond, through me getting out of the Navy). I found several guys (in my current barracks arrangement, only valid for another 2 weeks or so) who want to CF with me. It's good to have support!

So, I've not been logging things consistently. I missed workouts the first few days (trying to figure out my own personal schedule) but finally got in my third workout this week. I don't remember 4 days ago. Yesterday, we did 5x3 bench press and tabata sit-ups followed by tabata air squats. I didn't realize those two would kill my legs as much as they did, and it's been over 24 hours!

Tonight, our initial plan involved bringing kettlebells outside of the gym; no surprise, really, they weren't supportive of this plan. So we did a simple one: ~200m spring, 10 knees-to-elbows, and 10 burpees. Oh, three sets, for time. It was short and to the point. I didn't say sweet, but perhaps someday it'll feel good ;-)

So, I've found friends to work out with which is great! Today we flexed to something pseudo-random but I'd really prefer to go with warm-ups, strength, and WODs of actual coaches to make sure I cover all muscles. We'll see what we can do Monday night.


1 comment:

  1. Hope all is well. Keep up the good work, and make sure to stop by if you're ever in town!
