
06 July 2010

Pashto "complete"!

I took the OPI (oral proficiency interro... interview) last week. I was "hoping" for a 2/2 but earned a 1+/1+. Why do I say "earned"? Well, I don't think I was challenging myself well-enough with tenses and my vocab.

Despite knowing that the scenario required the instructor to throw a curve-ball at me, I heard most of it but missed one specific word and went around-and-around for about 3 minutes trying to understand what she was asking. Instead of "uhhh, repeat, please", I said "I understand you are saying this, this, and that, but what do you want now?", which is better. But I missed the curve ball. Granted, if I had applied strategery to it I would have known exactly what she was going to say before she said it, but I didn't. I honestly missed the word and stuck with it. Oops.

So, I think the "1+" is commensurate with my actual performance. It may be enough to give me a bonus in pay (not my justification but nice anyway), but it will certainly give me a leg-up for when I get in country.

Now my biggest challenge yet: 3 months of "Army Training" (said with a Bill Murray "Stripes" accent), trying to maintain what little Pashto I have.

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