
11 July 2010

New topic: Why I'm Glad I Joined The Navy

The Navy certainly isn't perfect. Heck, it can be downright frustrating at times. But I'm learning to see how well oiled a machine it truly can be. And that's saying a lot.

This new section is going to highlight some of the fun associated with my training in Camp Atterbury. I obviously will not be discussing OPSEC-sensitive materials, and names will be changed to protect the ... stupid.

I understand the need to control -- somewhat -- students in a training environment. But if that Sgt tries to chew us out again, or expects us to follow directions she never clearly provided, I'll be in line to have a discussion with her. She should really re-learn a little decency. Positional authority only covers so much bull.

Scenario: you will be leading a convoy to a university over an hour away daily for the next ten days. Leading as in: lead car since nobody else has directions (mistake #1); and leading as in: in charge of all personnel (muster, etc). This group of people includes E-4's through O-5's, so you'd think perhaps a drive-through or at least a solid set of directions would be in order. Nope. She got lost. Since all other drivers (8 other vans) were from our group (i.e. no insider information), well, we eventually found our own way and had her follow. She got lost again going home. And when two of the vans stop somewhere to pick up a bite when we obviously wouldn't make it back in time for dinner (predictably), she tried to chew the rest of us out. Though she never gave us her rules.

I signed up for internet access so I might enjoy seeing my beloved wife occasionally. So, the "Army Recreation Machine Program" (ARMP) has been "generously" provided for us. Great. So, $24/week or $39/month is generous? Awesome. Connectivity is decent but blanks out periodically.

All of our other complaints right now seem relatively minor, but they should be remedied shortly (so we're told). We'll see.

I guess, all in all, I'm just surprised at how out-of-whack this appears right now. I truly expect some lemming-like expectation, and can even handle some of it (I know, that doesn't sound like me). I should relax and try take it all in stride ...

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