
11 August 2010

I'm not dead yet ...

Though I certainly haven't been blogging it (nor logging it, bad on me), I have been exercising this last month. Admittedly a bit limited (in scope more than frequency), for several reason: the gym is good for a gym but not for crossfit, so modifications have been necessary (e.g. they frown on dropping barbells); though admittedly I've had plenty of "white space" dead time, it's mostly been inconveniently out on the range or otherwise challenging to get a workout and clean up; and my shoulder is acting up again.

It's #3 that's now making me curtail most weight lifting. After some research (I'm specifically not involving formalized medicine right now for several reasons, one or two of them legit and healthy), I think I've got rotator cuff tendonitis. Best case, just irritation; worst, a tear. Either way, I have too little information to form a conclusion.

My research (the internet never lies, right?) reveals that the tendonitis (very much so in the shoulder) may be triggered by a specific action (e.g. jerking, too much weight, repetitive over-user) but regardless gradually worsens over time when left otherwise untreated and/or unmitigated. For the last month or so I've been going "easy" on shoulder-related lifts, but I've still been doing them. Since the discomfort is getting worse, not better, I'm opting to go full-bore on treating it. Translation: no barbells for "a while" (until I notice a palpable improvement).

Unfortunately, the Army life here at Camp Atterbury doesn't really allow for this: 31-36 pounds for the unencumbered IOTV (kevlar vest), 7 pounds for the M4 carbine, and 35-45 pounds in the ruck sack. Not heavy, per se, but putting it all on, taking it off ... often exacerbates the shoulder pain. And the vest doesn't exactly fit smoothly on the shoulders (it's taking time to finesse it's fit).

Soooooo, in the meantime, I'm doing lots of metcon and core. Pull-ups? Nope. Squats? Perhaps back squats soon but none for now. Perhaps I'll do some isolated arm exercises (e.g. curls) to keep from completely atrophying what little improvement I've attained. Does anybody know of CF-workouts that work arms without straining the shoulders? Yeah, that's a tough one.

Regardless, I'm still exercising. I ran another 5K a few days ago (treadmill, 1.5% up) in 23+28, so my time is consistent. Of my goals, my diet has taken some hard hits (food here is really not that great ... technically health-minded but not what I'd term healthy) and my exercise is modified, but I'm keeping my weight down and exertion up.

BTW: Chad, thanks for the encouraging words. Now that I know you're reading this, you'll keep me honest on continuing with WODs.

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